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Get to Know Jenny

As a clairvoyant with Claircognizance clairaudiance and clairessence abilities that have been passed down through generations, I have been blessed to help people from all walks of life. My love for this work comes naturally as I was encouraged in my gifts since I was a young girl. For many years, I read for people without charging, but as demand for my services increased, I now offer professional psychic reading services to help others gain insight and clarity on their life journey.


I offer personalized psychic readings designed to help you gain clarity and insight.  I am dedicated to providing you with an accurate and meaningful session that will leave you feeling focused and empowered. All of our sessions are conducted by appointment, in a private and comfortable remote setting that allows for complete honesty and openness. Whether you're looking for guidance, insight or just a fresh perspective, Intuitive Consulting can help.

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